Terra Sigillata in pre-consumption deposits: characteristics and aspects of production and trade



Organizers: Marina Palmieri – Julia Kopf

14th – 15th June, 2024

Workshop, 14th – 15th of June 2024, University of Vienna

Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Franz-Klein-Gasse 1 (Seminarraum 12), 1190 Wien

Terra Sigillata is one of the most and best-studied ceramic wares of the Roman Period as it can be found all over the former regions of the Roman Empire. It enables the dating of strata and sites due to the potters’ stamps, the typology of the pottery and its decoration, allowing us to associate the red-slipped sherds with specific production sites. The focus of the workshop is on Terra Sigillata from so-called pre-consumption deposits, as it takes place in connection with the FWF project "Meaningful sherds: sigillata from pre-consumption deposits".
Pre-consumption deposits are pottery assemblages documenting the steps between production and consumption; broadly speaking, the pottery ended up in the soil unused by the customer. There are different types of pre-consumption deposits such as shipwrecks, quay-side dumps and warehouses, pottery shops and magazines. This topic offers a huge scientific potential that has not yet been fully exploited regarding pottery’s production and trade. The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss the characteristics of Terra Sigillata from pre-consumption deposits and to gather new ideas and insights regarding the different steps from the production of Terra Sigillata to its final destination point, the customer.

For further information, please contact Marina Palmieri (marina.palmieri@univie.ac.at) or Julia Kopf (Julia.Kopf@univie.ac.at).

To make it easier to plan the event, we kindly ask listeners to register by 31 May 2024.



Friday, 14th of June 2024

13:00 – 13:30
Arrival & Registration

13:30 – 13:50
Welcome & Introduction
Günther Schörner
Julia Kopf – Marina Palmieri

13:50 – 14:30
Terra sigillata from Pisa. New data from a productive area of the northern suburb
Tatiana Baronti – Paolo Sangriso

14:30 – 15:10
Ex officina Hispana. Analyzing the productive mode in Hispania
Macarena Bustamante-Álvarez

15:10 – 15:50
Adria and other pre-consumption dumps in the Po Valley area: data analysis and outstanding questions
Valentina Mantovani

15:50 – 16:10
Coffee Break

16:10 – 16:50
The warehouse from the sector Südhang on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia/Austria
(Das Händlerdepot vom Sektor Südhang auf dem Magdalensberg)

Eleni Schindler-Kaudelka – Susanne Zabehlicky-Scheffenegger

16:50 – 17:30
A 5000-piece puzzle: untangling the interpretation and provenance of the Italian sigillata deposit at Podere Marzuolo (Tuscany, Italy)
Gijs Tol (Australia) – Astrid Van Oyen

Public evening lecture (followed by a reception)
19:00 – 20:00
Mass production of Roman Samian Ware and its long distance trade
Allard Mees

Saturday, 15th of June 2024

9:00 – 9:40
The 2019-2021 Intensive Survey at Çandarlı (Pergamon Region)
Philip Bes

9:40 – 10:20
An early South Gaulish pre-consumption deposit from Bregenz/A
Julia Kopf

10:20 – 11:00
The terra sigillata from the "Bregenzer Kellerfund": pre-consumption deposit or consumption assemblage?
Elisabeth Todt

11:00 – 11:20   
Coffee Break

11:20 – 12:00
Between rubble and ashes: Composition and characteristics of a 2nd century pre-consumption deposit of terra sigillata from Bregenz/A
Marina Palmieri

12:00 – 12:40
The riddle of the sands: a terra sigillata cargo lost en route to market
Michael Walsh

12:40 – 13:00
Final Discussion

15:00 - 17:00
Guided tour of the Roman Museum and Roman Vienna

Foto: IKA, Kristina Klein